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Sample Projects

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Supporting System Transformation

Evaluation Consultant (2018 - 2021) for the County of Santa Clara Health System T2020 Initiative.  Launched in early 2018, as part of California’s current Section 1115 Medicaid waiver (Medi-Cal 2020), the Transformation 2020 (T2020) is a multi-year, initiative that supports county-level transformation and coordination of physical health, behavioral health, and social services targeted to Medi-Cal beneficiaries with complex issues. Developed and executed a multi-year, mixed methods evaluation design that assess impacts of the program on providers, patients, and County agencies.

Evaluation Consultant (2012 – 2015) for the Veterans Health Administration Centers of Excellence in Primary Care Education, a 5-site demonstration program to develop and test new educational approaches and models of interprofessional collaboration between different health care professionals. Developed and executed multi-year, mixed-method evaluation plan, designed and analyzed qualitative and quantitative data collection instruments, and developed multiple reports, case studies and presentations.  The evaluation described site educational and clinical redesigns, as well as assessed the impacts of the program on trainees, patients, and VA facilities. 

Laying the foundation for health care reform

Worked with Hawaii community groups to assess the impact of QUEST, a Section 1115 Medicaid Waiver on low-income populations and community health centers. Principal Investigator of a series of six studies and a multi-year evaluation of county-level initiatives to expand access to care for California's medically underserved, including:  two 58-county surveys and multi-county case studies to assess existing and proposed programs to expand services and insurance coverage for uninsured Californians; an evaluation of the California HealthCare Foundation’s Step-by-Step: Local Coverage Expansion Initiative, a four-year evaluation of 30 county-based insurance coverage expansions, laying the foundation for health care reform; and a five-county study to expand local health care safety net integration and a primer describing the financial impact of state and federal health care reform on community clinics. Key decision makers in foundations and officials at local agencies used study findings to address gaps in county capacity. 

Clinic Consortia Policy and Advocacy Program Evaluation

Worked with Sara Geierstanger, MPH, Claire Brindis, DrPH and a team of UCSF researchers on a multi-year multi-site evaluation of an initiative to expand clinic consortia advocacy capacity. Commissioned by The California Endowment (2002 - 2010), regional community clinic associations and statewide clinic organizations received funding to support management, leadership development, and system integration needs of community clinics in order to increase the collective influence of clinics and strengthen a broad base for long-term support of clinic policy issues. The evaluation produced numerous Issue Briefs, Case Studies, Journal Articles and Reports that describe advocacy strategies and policy gains to strengthen California’s safety net and increase access to care for medically underserved Californians.

Creating healthy communities

Worked with The Healthcare Forum to launch a healthier communities action kit and themed conference. Designed and implemented public health community-based health promotion planning tools, including: tracking achievement of Healthy People 2000 goals/objectives/activities; providing technical assistance to the Hawaii Community Foundation to launch a statewide healthy communities grant program; and, worked with stakeholders on the state's benchmarking initiative to envision a better future for Hawaii residents.


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